Everything you need for your T5 & T6!

Everything you need for your T5 & T6!

  Van enhancements, especially on VW vans are a  growing trend here in the UK and overseas. Whether you are turning a T5 or T6 into the next cool camper or creating a great place to hang out with friends, Wolfrace wheels not only provides the UK’s most...
Everything you need for your 4×4 and off road experience?

Everything you need for your 4×4 and off road experience?

Vehicle transformation is in your hands! Wolfrace alloy wheels have always been very focused on design and ensuring that our customers get the full benefit of our creativity for their vehicles. This is not just a process of adding a great set of Wolfrace alloy wheels,...
Lighter, faster, stronger and fuel efficient!

Lighter, faster, stronger and fuel efficient!

Why forged and what is the big difference in performance? This is a question we are often asked by customers. What is the difference between Cast and Forged wheels? Wolfrace Wheels manufacture alloy wheels in both cast and forged. The process of manufacturing each...